Frequently Asked Questions

$ROOTS Snapshot?

$ROOTS Snapshots were completed as of May 4th, 2024. If your ethereum wallet contained a reggae or ganja themed NFT (ie: CryptoRastas, Crypto Cannabis Club) before this date, you can probably claim some $ROOTS!

What is Block Ark?

Block Ark Studios is a web3 minting platform and marketplace tailored for the reggae community.

Web3... this a crypto NFT thing?

This is a reggae music thing! The type of media or even how we pay is irrelevant. What matters is this- we get to enjoy the music and musicians get literally 100% of their sales and royalties. This is the best way to support reggae musicians and to preserve this security for future generations.

What's the catch?

Fiya! Really though, please check out our Terms And Conditions for all the fine print. The TLDR version is basically don't be a bumboclaat baldhead.

What's the cost?

Cheap! Minting a new record in the Public Studio costs 0.001 ETH. Fortunately for you, our Records are batch minted ERC-1155 tokens, so even if you choose to mint 10,000 Records of your song, the cost remains 0.001 ETH. Oh, and The Curated Studio costs 0.0001 ETH to mint Records so make good music and get approved!

Public Studio and Curated Studio?

The Public Studio smart contract allows anyone to mint Records. The Curated Studio smart contract is reserved for professional musicians. Block Ark Market distinguishes Public Studio Records and Curated Studio Records with a checkmark next to the listing number.

What's a Record?

A Record is an ERC-1155 NFT. You can think of minting a Record like pressing LPs for a Single. But unlike producing individual vinyls or CDs for a Single, the fixed cost of minting a Record essentially allows musicians to press a several hundred or thousands of vinyls without an increase in cost.

Block Ark Marketplace

Our marketplace is designed specifically for Block Ark Studio Records. You can buy and sell Records with no listing or delisting fee and receive $ROOTS for every purchase or sale. Our marketplace complies with ERC2981, the NFT Royalty Standard, to ensure royalties always go directly where they need to be.


The $ROOTS coin is used to interact with the Block Ark ecosystem. Right now, you can use them to purchase Records or write articles in the magazine. The $ROOTS coin is dispensed to buyers and sellers of Records on the Block Ark Marketplace. The amount dispensed to both the buyer and seller is 1:1 of the total value of eth royalties being sent to the musician. This means $ROOTS can also be an accurate representation of the amount of royalties you've helped get back to musicians.

Liquidity Pool Tokens (LP Tokens)

In order to decentralize $ROOTS, we need a Liquidity Pool. We have a contract that will handle the creation of the LP and dispersement of the LP Tokens. For a predetermined period of time, the contract will be open to the public for contributions. When the contribution period ends, all of the contributions will be pooled with the predetermined amount of $ROOTS tokens held in the contract. You will then be able to claim your share of the LP Tokens. These LP Tokens allow you to claim your percentage of the swap fees from the Liquidity Pool.

Farming $ROOTS

You can farm $ROOTS by locking your LP Tokens through the Grow $ROOTS contract. This will allow you to claim your share of the daily $ROOTS emission (~1.69 $ROOTS).

When does all this start?

Summer, 2024. We were aiming for sometime in July but we landed on Soneium Minato in September.

Can I check this out right now?

Sure thing! We are asking fans and musicians for their input. Did we go overboard with the colors again or do you want a button somewhere? Should this be over there and that be replaced with this? Tell us! Email us at or get in touch with us on socials.

Block Ark Defense

Buidling ain't easy! Help us battle intergalactic aliens from an ancient galaxy future and earn some $ROOTS along the way!


Block Ark Support Tools Improving Onboarding Newcomers. A web2.5 site with various tools to help new users get accustomed to blockchain and AI.

Soneium Minato

Sony made their own blockchain, Soneium, and their testnet is named Minato.

Minato Faucet

Stop by a faucet and pick up a little free testnet ETH. We made one for Soneium Minato that will help you begin your journey on the chain.
